Two Countries. Two Singers. One Song.

That special ground, we call our own - where our roots run deep and our songs are soaked in all its sounds and stories. Where silences are a prelude to the music within, and space is filled with the resonance of the landscape outside. And somewhere between that silence and space, we find our music. We find our songs, and we rediscover that ground from where we began. Our songs. Our music. Our ZAMEE.

The Band Our Journey

Two countries. Two singers. One song. And a rich reservoir of musical knowledge and experiences to draw from. Although Nika Solce and Sabiha Khan come from two diverse worlds of music, their voices echo a similar sort of strength.

When Nika and Sabiha first met at a music festival in Australia, they instantly knew that their friendship was going to blossom into an innovative, cross-genre collaboration that would bring together the best of both their musical worlds. What began as a playful sharing of their separate songs, soon found subtle subtexts that asked to be built upon.

Indian and Balkan music have much in common: a large emphasis on improvisation, a love of asymmetrical and complex rhythms, strong modal centres, and the reliance on learning by rote the songs that make up the canon. From this strong base, Nika and Sabiha set out to explore the possibilities of Folk, Sufi elements and many such unusual pairings that arose from soulful melodic pools.

As their ideas gathered momentum, so did the project. In 2013, they were joined by the exceptionally gifted accordionist, Matija Solce, whose encyclopaedic knowledge of folk music and virtuosic insights added depth to their music. It was further enriched by world-renowned tabla-player and composer, Vinayak Netke, who brought with him a keen understanding of symmetry and the ability to create seamless symphonies. In early 2014, guitarist Tilen Stepišnik and cellist Toby Kuhn added another layer of catalytic harmony to their renditions. And finally, the infectious talent of percussionist Žiga Šercer completed the sound of the band.

Their intensive work in the spring of 2014 saw a series of acclaimed concerts in Slovenia. With a fresh and unusual take on sound and arrangement, blending tunes from two distinct traditions, and crafting songs that beautifully meld the resonant voices of its two lead singers, this Indo-Balkan Project has firmly taken root and is now ready to fly as ZAMEE.

Zamee The Band

Zamee, The Band

Nika Solce

Nika Solce
Balkan Vocals, Slovenia

Sabiha Khan

Sabiha Khan
Indian Vocals, India

Majita Solce

Matija Solce
Accordion, Slovenia

Vinayak Nekte

Vinayak Netke
Tabla & Percussion, India

Tilen Stepišnik

Tilen Stepišnik
Guitar, Slovenia

Toby Kuhn

Toby Kuhn
Cello, France

Žiga Šercer

Žiga Šercer
Percussions, Slovenia